Quality, Bolster, Item Level and Stats
Your summoned companion gives you item level depending on its quality. This value is the only value affected by Companion Bolster:
Common: 10 Item Level (20 with 100% bolster)
Uncommon: 100 Item Level (200 with 100% bolster)
Rare: 300 Item Level (600 with 100% bolster)
Epic: 600 Item Level (1200 with 100% bolster)
Legendary: 1000 Item Level (2000 with 100% bolster)
Mythic: 1500 Item Level (3000 with 100% bolster)
Your summoned companion's quality also impacts the quality of your Enhancement power, which gives you even more item level (though this one is NOT affected by Companion Bolster) and an effect which procs often when you hit/heal, which is a buff to 1 stat, a debuff to 1 stat of your enemy, or a heal that restores a portion of you and your companion's health:
Common : 5 Item Level, effect : 0.05%
Uncommon: 50 Item Level, effect : 0.5%
Rare: 150 Item Level, effect : 1.5%
Epic: 300 Item Level, effect : 3%
Legendary: 500 Item Level, effect : 5%
Mythic: 750 Item Level, effect : 7.5%
Striker Companions
Striker Companions are essential in solo content, to give you Combat Advantage, which means improving your damage by your Combat Advantage percentage when you surround monsters and they have blue stripes at their feet (positioning is key!). They also are generally better than Augment companions in group content.
Your companion's efficiency depends on your Total Item Level, your Stats, and your Companion Bolster... But NOT your companion's Quality... Which means all you gain from upgrading your summoned companion is some item level, some bolster (if it's one of your 10 best companions), and lower stat percentages (up to -1.2% in every stats, because companions only give 85% of their item level as stats and the quality of your companion impacts the quality of your companion enhancement power, which is totally stat detrimental).
Upgrading Companion
The best way to upgrade your companions is to use Companion Upgrade Tokens. You can get them for free in dungeons, Juma Bags, and some events. You can buy them for 3 Tarmalune Trade Bars each (2 during a sale, these are obtained by opening lockboxes). You can also wait for a sale in the ZEN market (you can also get 25% coupons from time to time by invoking your god), and buy Companion Upgrade Packs (that’s 75 tokens for 375k AD when there’s no sale, assuming you can exchange AD to Zen).
When there’s no sale in the Zen Market, a companion upgrade token costs the equivalent of 5k AD. With a -20% coupon, tokens cost the equivalent of 4000 AD. With a -25% coupon, tokens cost the equivalent of 3750 AD. During a -30% sale, tokens cost the equivalent of 3500 AD.
Common (grey) to Uncommon (green): 30 tokens or 50k AD: always use AD (you'd waste 20 tokens for nothing).
Uncommon (green) to Rare (blue): 60 tokens or 250k AD: use tokens to save at least 10k AD.
Rare (blue) to Epic (purple): 90 tokens or 500k AD: use tokens to save at least 140k AD.
Epic (purple) to Legendary (orange): 120 tokens or 1M AD: use tokens to save at least 520k AD.
Legendary (orange) to Mythic (teal): 150 tokens or 1.5M AD: use tokens to save your home, organs, and family.
It’s not worth it to upgrade an Uncommon companion this way. But it’s still worth it to upgrade a Rare companion to Epic (unless you want to save time and Zen, which is totally comprehensible considering the time it takes to exchange AD to Zen now...).
Last updated