Enhancement powers either increase one of your stats for 15s, decrease one of your enemy's stats for 15s, or heal a portion of you and your companion's HP over 5s (Redemption). With the exception of Reinvigorate (which triggers on healing friends), most of the Enhancement powers trigger on hitting foes. The chance to trigger the power is pretty high.
The value of the buff/debuff, or HP healed depends on the quality of your summoned companion (not the quality of the companion on which you have this power, nor bolster):
Common: 5 Item Level, effect : 0.05%
Uncommon: 50 Item Level, effect : 0.5%
Rare: 150 Item Level, effect : 1.5% Epic : 300 Item Level, effect : 3%
Legendary: 500 Item Level, effect : 5%
Mythic: 750 Item Level, effect : 7.5%
Problem is the Enhancement Power doesn't give you combined ratings, so with a Mythic power, you are effectively losing 0.75% in every stat for a gain of 7.5% in one stat when the buff procs (or a heal, or a debuff)... which is detrimental to your total stat percentages (but can be positive for your damage output or damage mitigation, depending on the stat). Debuffs are much better than buffs, because they are effective for your whole group, while buffs are personal.
Last updated