Base Stats
Power - Contributes directly to higher damage or higher healing for healers.
Accuracy - Reduces the amount of damage the target can deflect. --Note that in NW one can't "Miss a target".
Combat Advantage - Determines the bonus damage when the player has combat advantage over their target. (Reduced by targets Awareness).
Critical Strike - Determines the chance for a critical strike.
Critical Severity - Determines the amount of bonus damage / healing for the critical strike. (Reduced by targets Critical Avoidance).
Defense - Reduces incoming damage.
Awareness - Reduces the enemy's bonus damage when they have combat advantage over the player.
Critical Avoidance - Reduces the enemy's bonus damage from Critical Severity.
Deflect - The chance to deflect a hit. (note deflecting a hit reduces the damage by some amount, there is no a "miss", hits always connect).
Deflect Severity - Determines the amount of damage reduced if the hit is deflected (enemy's Accuracy reduces this reduction).
Forte - Converts into a bonus to 3 other stats, depending on the paragon.
Control Bonus - Increases the time a control effect affects a target. For example the length of a stun.
Control Resist - Decreases the amount of time enemy's control effect works on the player.
Incoming Healing - Increases the amount of health points recovered by skills (personal and external).
Outgoing Healing - Increase the amount of healing the player can do to others.
Base Damage / Heal
The player's final damage (or healing) is based on multiple factors, like their stats, buffs, debuffs, choices like the skill they used. If we remove all those choices and factors we are left with one number, that we can consider as the most basic factor of our damage/healing output. Before the MOD21 reworks it was "Weapon Damage", but now it's a number based on the Item Level with an adjustment based on the role.
For Damage dealing roles: it is Item level divided by 10 with 20% bonus (IL / 10 * 1.2)
For Healers: it's the same but with 10% bonus (IL / 10 * 1.1)
For example, at 44,632 Item Level Damage Dealer will have 4,463.2 * 1.2 = 5,355.84 Base Damage.
Base HP
Similar to damage, HP is determined by IL and a role bonuse.
For Tanks: IL multiplied by 10 and 20% bonus (IL * 10 * 1.2).
For Healers: IL multiplied by 10 and 10% bonus (IL * 10 * 1.1).
For Damage Dealers: IL multiplied by 10 and no bonus (IL * 10).
For example, at 44,632 Item Level a Damage Dealer will have 446,320 base HP before added bonuses, enchantments and so on.
Last updated